What!? Never seen a Demon King of Lust before?

Chapter 51 Bargaining With The Devil


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(A/N): Please check the axillary chapter for an important announcement


"Heeeeh..... they really are going all out up there aren\'t they ha? interesting!"

I said with glistering eyes as I look at the barrage of thousands of golden lightning rain descending toward the entire graveyard and beyond.

However, my guest and the person I had imprisoned didn\'t seem to find this well as she look at the perpetrators and said.

"That... That old fool... I told him to get someone like Pandora, why is he bringing the MLS7, with children and servants of the Volta family?"

When Rize said this, I look at her and then back to the sky as I instantly locate the perpetrators.

And upon seeing who it was, I smile because I was familiar with one of those guys\' faces."

And that was the old man that was Rize buttler, he was dressed in a combat suit that signifies that he was prepared to battle me, but not only him there were also other people with exceptional combat power and high levels of mana.

Truly if any of these people would have fought me when I just awaken then running away might be the only option I have available to me with time-stop skills.

But seeing that I have an exceptional amount of power as of this moment anything less than Gaia would be meanless against me because with power wise I can cause a vast amount of destruction in a matter of seconds with my fist alone.

Then and again Rize might put up a good fight seeing that she is a walking immortal nuke, however her most tricky feature as a vampire is her unlimited stamina, the only way I think I can beat her is to break her will to fight or cause mass destruction in the form of yet another disaster.

But if push comes to shove, the best way to deal with her is to freeze and seal her into ice, that much I can do although even with my power I still can\'t make absolute zero come naturally, although it\'s weird I still feel like I can pull it off, I\'m still missing some control to make it successful.

And seeing how things are now with this sudden ambush that I was expecting since I already know of it due to Lillith\'s power to predict the possible possibility of the future with her insight and foresight.

Rize\'s presence alone is a problem due to her great power, especially since I am outnumbered, and since they attack first I have no cons to spearing these intruders, as I see them as nothing but annoyance and I don\'t care if some of them are still kids.

May it be children, the elderly, or women, to me it is all the same, they attack first, so they will be the first to die.

So with my focus on the enemy, I prepare for battle as I walk away from Rize, and extend my wings out, strangely enough, I still can\'t fly properly on my own, but with Lilith\'s help, I am undefeated in sky as she can maneuver me perfectly with partial autopilot mode.

This battle has now become personal, I gave them 12 hours to bring me the third progenitor\'s son, and instead, they brought me a useless light show and stupid humans, truly this world never ceases to disappoint me, as the goons and servants can\'t follow simple fuck orders like the dog they are.

"How annoying!"

I said out loud as I announced my displeasure with an annoyed and displease face.

However, Rize seems to have read my intention as I prepare for the flight.

With that said, she hurries to rush to my side grabbed the back of my leg, and said, with a worried expression that surprised me, as she has barely shown any emotions till now.

"Yo...Yo...You aren\'t thinking of doing anything crazy, are you?"


"Crazy no, they decide to attack me, so it\'s only right that I go up there and kill them!"

Upon hearing this Rize instantly said.

"Hey come on they are just some low-level mobs And Sebastian is just doing what a buttler does best assisting their masters, come on cut me some slack here, I didn\'t do anything, at least left my people out of this."


"Hey are hearing me here?"


I said as I felt a little merciful today, to which Rize dropped to the ground in relief, however that relief soon faded as she heard the next words that exited my mouth.

"But you have to pay up, this mercy isn\'t free."

"Wait what... what do you mean I have to pay up?"

"What do you think I mean, it\'s very obvious when you put one and two together, what are you willing to give me for sparing that Oldman life, because as far as I am concerned from my point of view, he is the one leading this assaulted, so that\'s why you have to repay me with something equal to his life."


"Come on answer me... what\'s your payment, what can you give me that is worth his entire life."

I ask in a demonic way and craze expression, however once again this thirsty Kuudere, was always one step ahead of me in some unnecessary aspects.

"You know you have some weird way, to ask for a woman\'s body, sigh you could have just said so from the beginning, and we could have avoided this conv...

"Silence woman, one more word I will change my mind."



"Sigh... you\'re no fun, fine you want something worth my bottle life, then what about knowledge."

Rize said as she thought she might have won Asmodeus over but her surprised as such.

"Knowledge is the least of my concern, it\'s not enough."

"What... Aghh fine riches I can offer you money beyond your wildest dreams, I\'m sure as a newborn demon king you would need money to get yourself started?"

But yet again Asmodeus replied.

"I do not need money, as it is the easiest thing I get my hands on, is this all you can offer me?"

"What, then how about ahhhh.... admit Sebas you can be a pain sometimes."

Rize said with a nigh defeated tone, although this interested me a little as I wondered what their relationship was, so I ask.

"Tell me, why do you care so much for that old bag of bones so much?"

"Old bags of bones ha? hehehe... I guess you are right about that, well to be honest I am something like a mother figure to that child, just as much as he was a father figure to me, in the darkest of days he was always there for me, in the lightest moment we were always together, awkward enough I had feelings for that man for as long as I can remember but sadly, he didn\'t felt the same way about me, he already had someone in his heart, and I had no place to fit, even after his closest one died there was no room for me, I didn\'t belong there, and over the years even after my hibernation, there was still no room for me, he is loyal to his life partner that is now apart of him despite him suffering greatly for it in that accursed body of his, I have learned to accept that fact, but however he is something akin to the only family I have, and you\'re just going to kill him because you are annoyed, that is just childish."

Rize said with an angry face and tone, however, hearing a vampire failed love story just made me more annoyed, as I replied.

"I see so you\'re a simp for old dudes ha? damn must be hard, that guy seems like the type that would need a whole bottle of viagra just to get it up, thank the good lord I ain\'t no simp, the love I will never understand it, he old looking, could pass for a malnourished ugly bastard if you ask me."

"Hey don\'t say such horrible things because don\'t understand love, weren\'t you mad because they stole your girl."

"Correction I am mad because the fucker stole my favorite plaything, Nero is a fucking useful demonic human no matter how you look at it, she has the power to rival or even surpassed you once mastered, in short, that woman is something I invest a lot in to use for my own gain at later date, and since she has so much use and potential im going to get her back at all cost because I haven\'t used her enough yet, and like everything else she can always be replaced, either way, nothing last forever, even I can be replaced one day if I don\'t achieve perfection by the time my death comes."

Rize was at a loss for words, she has already taken notice of Asmodeus\'s behavior and grasped that the demon is either unable to feel love for others and everything around him except for the meaning of his existence or too afraid to find meaning in it.

And seeing him like this just feels so wrong for some reason, it didn\'t sit well with her, if anything she pitty the demon, but is aware there is nothing she or anyone else could do to fix this behavior of his, he liked that definition of cold, there is no warmth Ir love for anything but himself in that empty organ he calls a heart.

Honestly, he defines what a broken glass is, no one would ever think to fix glass because it just means less to do so once it\'s shattered, that\'s why there is no worth in even trying to begin with, although once broken that glass isn\'t as transparent as it uses to be, instead it a harmful material dangerous to this around it.

Touch it carelessly you will get hurt.

Sweep it out it will cause harm to someone else.

Glass, yes it was a word that fits him well, too well, fragile yet dangerous, his hate for humans in her pov was far from justifiable, instead, it just sounds selfish, like a child throwing a fit.

His love for women, money, power, and fame, is just twisted.

He loves women only for sex and food.

He wants money to satisfy his boredom.

He needs power to bring down all those he sees as unfit and must correct.

He desires fame to trample on others, and abuse his position because he thinks he is superior.

In the truest sense, Rize\'s Pov of Asmodeus was a cold and sharp piece of glass.

Evil, twisted, merciless, and cold.

He was more monstrous than she is, in terms of being a monster.

But despite that, she finds his company rather interesting, was it because he was good-looking, tall, tall, and tall.

Or was it because of his connection to the world, the very being that gave her adaptive immortality?

But seeing that both knowledge and money are worthless for Asmodeus, even offering her body seems to be uninteresting to him as well, she has but one thing left to offer, however, can she even convince him?

Try it, that all she can do at this moment, with her malnourished state it would be impossible to take him on without, devouring a tremendous amount of human flesh and blood.

So she tried her last card.

"Then what about power?"

Asmodeus gave her a neutral look as he said said.

"That is easy to come by as well."

But seeing that his reply was immediate she began to finish her statement as she said.

"That may be true, but what if I gave you my power?"

At these words, he turned around with slight interest, only slight thought as he said.


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