Trafford's Trading Club

Chapter 283 A Sky-High Price

"Miss Vera, the lawn is outside the window on the left. Cross it and you’ll get to the highway. Now that nobody’s here, it should be the best time to leave the manor."

"I don’t know what you’re saying. Vera? Who’s Vera?"

The voice coming out of the clown hood showed its calmness and steadiness--- Because it had been through a voice changer.

It was just like that night.

Today, this mysterious guy still recognized her identity directly; therefore, she didn’t let her body tilt to the left side for further convenient action; instead, it swung to the right slightly.

There’s the place for rearing wolf-dogs on the right side. But Miss Vera may think I’m telling you a lie." The club boss shook his head and said, "I don’t have to do that."

"You’re funny. Will anyone believe the words from an unknown person?"

"That makes sense."

Luo Qiu nodded, "Ms. Vera might think that we haven’t built the mutual trust each other yet. Then how about this? I don’t want any incident to happen in this auction; so I hope Ms. Vera to leave this place, or go back to the seat assigned to you, and participate this activity as a simple guest."

"Since you said that we don’t have mutual trust..." Vera sneered.

She walked in the room optionally--- as getting to the right side, she asked, "Why do I need to meet your wishes? And, why do you want this auction to go on the rails? What’s the relationship between you and the owner of the manor? What are you going to do?"

"Sorry, I can’t tell you these."

Luo Qiu added calmly, "Miss Vera can think of me as doing an after-sales service. I don’t want Ms. Vera to bring me some trouble."

"Oh, will I? But I’ve been always being troublesome in others’ mind. So... sorry for that!"

The sudden acceleration of the speed rate came with her rush to the right window! Her legs thrust against the ground, while body pounced toward the window. She quickly pushed open the window, climbing over and got out.

She acted fluently as a diver.

Luo Qiu shook his head and looked at Ms Maid, asking curiously, "If I asked her to run to the right, then do you think she’s going to head to the left?"

You Ye smiled faintly, "I think she’s probably not in the mood to consider this issue."

Luo Qiu went to the window, looking down and saying softly, "I think so too."



Damn it, bastard, son of a b*tch... fuck!

Vera had to repeat the malicious fling of abuses again and again.

How could this be?

She chose the right side and should fall to the ground perfectly; this sould have her leave calmly.

But why was that?

Why was the kennel here?

And there was more than one dog... A total of eight big wolf-dogs.

She had been surrounded by these well-trained big guys!

She felt even wetter in the muggy hood, and couldn’t help exuding cold sweat while facing 8 wolf dogs--- Perhaps she wouldn’t court death when fighting with these dogs, but it’d definitely expose her behavior.

She had to look up to the opened window on the second floor...looking at the hateful guy who was watching the show, she shrugged, "I think we should fix the distrustful relationship between us?"

"Go back." Luo Qiu said softly.

Soon, the eight fiendish wolf dogs turned about and ran away silently like domestic cats. The unimaginable scene surprised Vera, and had her asked subconsciously, "Are you a wild animal trainer?"

While Boss Luo suddenly said, "How about going to the auction with us, if Ms. Vera doesn’t want to leave?"

"I don’t think I have a choice." Vera shrugged.

She took off the hood and fanned herself, "How do you know my identity?"

"I think if I didn’t know this..." Luo Qiu whispered, "We’ll not be eligible to say that we can provide a service to Ms. Vera. Let’s go, I need you to change into the original clothes of yours."

At the same time, Vera saw Vicar’s astonished look from the room of the first floor, which was right below the second floor, when its window had been opened.

"Why did you come back so fast?"

Looking at Vicar’s surprised look, Vera looked up by instinct... that window had been closed.

"What’s going on?"

Her memory of the trial-run route had been totally messed up--- She went round and round, and finally went back to the starting point?

"Is there anything up there?" Vicar headed out and looked upstairs.

Vera took a deep breath and said, "Go back to the room, change your clothes, and go to the auction with us."


So, what was the meaning of getting out?

Vicar’s face was filled with puzzlement.

On the other side, Vera had climbed into the room through the window, and put on the original clothes. Vera zipped behind her skirt while looking at herself in the mirror--- when she left the room, the route she walked along emerged in her brain again.

She trusted her good memory, and was confident in her ability of redesigning the route map in her brain, no matter how large this manor was.

Suddenly, Vera both hands press the basin, and eyes got close to the mirror.

Her eyes suddenly became blue... and cone-shaped.

"I didn’t go anywhere wrong... But why is there so much difference between the real scene and the blueprint?"

That was so mysterious... as if it were an unsolvable enigma!

Oh, my God. As a magician, Vera swore that she must understand the secret of it.

As if exhausted, Vera body suddenly lay on the basin. She took a deep breath, washing her face and trying to calm down.

She knew that it was because she had overused her nerves, so she had to pause it for now.

But now, an inexplicable idea abruptly came out from her heart--- that guy was more likely to be a magician compared to her.



It was akin to a tea party--- in this palace-like room.

"Sorry for letting you wait for such a long time. I was very busy just now."

Last time Urey had already revealed his appearance in the hotel; but today he had worn a half-face mask since he showed up.

But no one paid attention to his behavior. That was all because that two men were coming in with moving an item covered by a white cloth behind him.

Today’s subject...What it was, was almost obvious!

"I believe everyone is very puzzled, that why I have another "The Nameless Maiden." Urey glanced at the guests.

He noticed that the club owner was sitting quietly at one corner. But there was obviously an addition of two more people near Luo Qiu; or maybe he didn’t care about them.

The time he owned didn’t allow him to think about these trifles.

At the moment the cloth had been opened, all the guests gave out low voices in unison.

"That’s incredible."

A man looked aged came to this painting. He was holding a small-sized magnifying glass by hand and immersing himself in watching it.

If no one was protecting the painting in front, he’d probably intend to touch and feel its texture.

"Anything can be counterfeit except the technique... This is really the authentic work from ’Ivan Nikolayevich’! I have been focusing on his work for almost half of the century! I will definitely not be wrong!"

"This is the real ’The Nameless Maiden’?"

"Then what’s that in the hotel last time..."

"Wasn’t it kept by F&C? Why did it appear in the Typica’s Family? Is F&C with the Typica’s Family? But... who was the guy showing it in the hotel at that night?"

"What I care more about is the base price of this painting! Don’t talk nonsense, today we are here here for this painting! And we’re willing to pay for it no matter the price is, as long as it is the real one!"

Seeing the atmosphere rising, Edgar stood up and slowly said, "You know, it is priceless, so I cannot give everyone a certain amount, and we won’t evaluate its price either. Let the auction begin with the offer of the first guest."

The steward smiled faintly, "Definitely, the one that could afford the highest price will be the new owner of this painting. So, don’t hesitate to offer a price, everybody!"

"One million!"

Instantly, a slightly fat guest sitting close to the center offered the price directly. However, feeling almost all the members’ gaze looked towards him, he only added one more word, "Euro..."

"That gentleman gave a million euros." Edgar nodded, saying indifferently, "First."

"Don’t be so troublesome."

Suddenly, a strong man stood up from the opposite corner and spoke in a whisper, "250 million euros. Those who can afford a higher price can take it away!"

The guy wearing a black bat mask... was Efim.

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