Trafford's Trading Club

Chapter 658 - Volume 9 – Chapter 49: I’m Really Sorry for Not Having a Boyfriend!

In fact, this space had a necessary entrance and a small amount of ventilation facilities. It was really very simple because this space was dug out for more than 30 meters from the surface.

Because it was not originally built for people to stay, there were naturally no convenient facilities here— but a huge single-person sofa was placed by the side— of course, the reason why it was said to be huge was also relative to the person sitting on it.

We call him Long Xiruo, and nowadays, people called him Long Luoli’s Long Xiruo.

Long Xiruo was holding a loudspeaker at this moment, and the voice of the young girl who was enhanced by the electronic device sounded loudly at this moment, “You idiot! Have you eaten!? Concentrate! If you can’t control 30 today, don’t eat dinner!!!”

“Yes... teacher!”

About 20 meters away, a seventeen-year-old young man, who was sweating all over his body bit, his teeth. He closed his eyes again, and felt the things around him with his own mind.

Around him, there were stones the size of a tennis ball. What he needed to do is to control the number of rocks up to 50 at the same time in accordance with Long Xiruo’s requirements. It wasn’t just simple as letting these rocks flynot just let these rocks fly, but each one must operate according to different pattern.

The young man became more and more focused. 10, 20, 27... 28, 29; The young man gradually hit his limit to control the rocks, but the number required by Long Xiruo was still missing one!

Maybe it’s because I’m not focused enough right?

The young man, Mo Xiaofei, thought to himself now.

As for why he was in this place, and why he called Long Xiruo as teacher, that would have to start after the last concert in the gymnasium.

Mo Xiaofei came into contact with a different world at that time. Of course, from the time he gained his superpower, he actually understood that he had entered a different world, but the concept of demon beast started to enter his cognition for the first time after that day.

Mo Xiaofei was dying because he exhausted his energy to rescue a demon beast called Windchaser. Unexpectedly, when he woke up again, he came to the pet hospital directly above the underground training ground.

After some conversation, Mo Xiaofei and Long Xiruo exchanged some information about each other. Mo Xiaofei could guess from the conversation with Long Xiruo and Gui Qianyi (this old man had already traveled far for something important. Mo Xiaofei didn’t know what it was.) The reason he could survive was because he overcome the limitation of overusing superpower that would cause his body to disintegrate. He felt grateful in his heart.

“Your strength is too dangerous. If you don’t try to control it, you might be out of control one day. Starting from today, you will stay with me temporarily. I will guide you to train and develop your abilities.”

This was what Long Xiruo said to Mo Xiaofei, and Mo Xiaofei naturally acknowledged Long Xiruo as his master- even though this was only his one-sided wish.

“What a joke! Let me accept a human being as an apprentice? I just lack a handyman here! Teaching you is just a payment for your labor! Work hard for me! I lack people here!”

This was also what the teacher said.

Mo Xiaofei went to school during the day. After school, he took time every day to come to this training place. He would also run errands for Long Xiruo. I heard that Gui Qianyi commanded a few powerful demon beasts to dig this out. Is it really no problem to dig such a big place under the city...

“30!!” When the 30th stone was also under Mo Xiaofei’s control, he couldn’t help but yelled happily, “Teacher! Did you see it? I made it!!”


Long Xiruo was completely cold-hearted. After being directly sealed as an ordinary human child recently, she often became emotionally upset. In addition to the previous cause of heavy bleeding, her emotion would lose control for a few days in every month, “Only 30 stones, it took you half a month to achieve it. Mo Xiaofei, is your self-esteem pitiful enough to satisfy this trivial sense of accomplishment?!”

Probably because of such way to get along, Mo Xiaofei smiled. He had long been accustomed to the face of this Master Long. Even though she was like this, she would prepare some particularly effective drinks that could quickly restore his strength every day.

Mo Xiaofei was drinking the special drink while walking to Long Xiruo. He suddenly said, “Teacher, can I take leave for next Saturday?”

Long Xiruo blinked, “Next Saturday? What day is today... Friday? So early, what are you doing?”

Mo Xiaofei scratched his head shyly, “About that... teacher, next Saturday is Christmas. I have a date...”

“Tsk!” Long Xiruo snorted coldly, “It turns out that it’s the festival for your humans to estrus again? You should focus on the development of your own abilities; what are you still thinking about love affairs!?”

Mo Xiaofei was startled. He subconsciously said, “Tea... teacher, could it be that you don’t have a boyfriend?”

Long Xiruo sneered, “Hmph, the male only pursues females in order to be able to use his lower body to rub and greet the female’s lower body to release body fluids to achieve the purpose of his own pleasure. Such a disgusting creature stays away from me!”

“So, you really don’t have a boyfriend?”

Long Xiruo suddenly smiled. She had been inseparable from her, and the orb from Gui Qianyi slowly floated on top of her head, “Xiaofei, you have been here for so long, but I haven’t fought with you once. Why don’t we do it today? You should try your best and at least hold for three seconds~”

The clone with the power of True Dragon of China appeared out of thin air at this time, and the entire underground space was shaken by the power of the huge true dragon. The pressure in the air made Mo Xiaofei feel suffocated.

“Sorry, I was wrong...”

Boom! !


“We have arrived at Yunjing Station. Every passenger please remember to carry your belongings...”

When the broadcast sounded, the train was slowing down and entering the station. Dazhe, who was wearing a long black coat with a scarf covering his chin and lips, stood up and took down the luggage for his current boss.

But Black Soul Dazhe discovered that the boss was looking out the window of the train at this time. He made a rare gesture. “What’s wrong?”

“Um... It’s just that there are two guests who seem to be having fun right now.” Luo Qiu smiled and stood up, “You should also have the opportunity to be able to get in touch with them... Let’s get off the train, You Ye is already waiting for us.”

Dazhe nodded. On the way back, Luo Qiu had already told him about the general situation of the club. Although he didn’t say much, Dazhe already had a lot of speculation in his mind about the maid that the boss said.

He heard that Luo Qiu, as the new boss, had tried to transform a Black Soul Messenger before, and he was the second.

A very strange and incredible thing happened to him in this short period of time. At the same time, it completely changed the trajectory of his fate.

He thought he would disappear like this, but when he woke up, he was given the identity of Black Soul Messenger and survived again.

He once asked Luo Qiu why he would be willing to transform him into a Black Soul Messenger, but the boss’s answer made Dazhe a little confused.

“Because I want to find someone that looks reliable...”

Yes, it was such a sentence that made him totally puzzled. However, this uneasiness was quickly dispersed by the blazing heat from the Zhan Lu on him.

Dazhe took a deep breath. He followed Luo Qiu’s back, left the carriage, and walked directly to the platform.

People came and went on this platform. An extremely beautiful woman instantly attracted Dazhe’s eyes. Whether it was her appearance or the strange breath exuded from her body, it could give a shocking feeling to Dazhe, the new Black Soul Messenger.

She put her hands on her skirt while walking toward Luo Qiu. She smiled slightly like a flower blossoming. The noise on the platform seemed to become quiet because of this smile.

This was the first time that the maid showed a smile while Boss Luo was away.

Finally, you are back.

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