Escape the Infinite Chambers

Chapter 36: Interdependent Contract

As soon as Luo Jian entered the bar, he sat himself down on the sofa across the boss and aggressively demanded for answers.

The great boss was as drunk as always. He squinted at Luo Jian for a long time, trying to figure out who the other was, before finally muttering in realization, “Ah! It’s Ah Jian… Hic! He came to find me… You came to find me… So, what did you come to find me for again?”

Gnashing his teeth in impatience, Luo Jian inhaled deeply then fiercely slammed his palms down on the table in front of him. The wine bottle on the table toppled over with the force of the impact. At last, the slovenly elder boss snapped out of his drunken reverie and directly faced a Luo Jian who was emitting a dark, dangerous aura. Quivering violently in trepidation, the pathetic boss revealed, “This so-called interdependent contract…”

“Well, it’s just as its name says. To put it in simpler terms, an interdependent contract means that the party who has been bound by this contract is unilaterally and unconditionally controlled by the party who has formed the contract.” The great uncle boss shook his head helplessly. “The biggest advantage to this contract is probably the shared life, or connected fate, that binds the two parties together. Even if one party is on the verge of death, as long as said party isn’t completely dead, the other party can support the former by binding his own life force to the other’s, ultimately allowing both sides to survive.

“Thirteen has informed me about what happened. It seems that your poor friend has been caught up in this damned contract. There’s no need to worry though. For the time being, his life has been saved; however, that doesn’t mean he isn’t suffering. For the next few days, all you can do is wait patiently.”

“Wait for the next chamber, you mean?”

“If your friend is truly in an interdependent contract with that fellow called Duan Li, then according to the rules of the contract, their lives are now tied to each other and this shared link can no longer be separated. With this contract now in order, there’s a high possibility that Duan Li has automatically broken free from his default NPC identity.” A mysterious smile came over the boss’ features, as he gazed at Luo Jian. He continued, “That being said, he will be your third companion, whether you like it or not. The chambers will inevitably assign him as a new member of your team.”

“That’s fucking bullshit!” Luo Jian was utterly incensed when he heard the boss’ words. He smacked the table hard and stood up. No questions asked, Luo Jian absolutely despised the thought of having a demented murderer like Duan Li join their team; such a thing was simply too appalling to even consider! Luo Jian could already imagine what would happen next.

“There’s no point in getting angry with me, kiddo.” Swaying back and forth, the intoxicated uncle seemed to be taking delight the other’s misfortune. He chuckled in amusement, “Such a powerful player has joined your team. This is either a disaster for you both, or perhaps a blessing in disguise. The biggest issue at hand, however, is the next chamber you’ll be facing. There’s no doubt it’ll be several times more difficult now that you’ve got a new team member. That Duan Li is definitely an expert who has experienced more than five chambers, and he will surely expose you to unimaginable, harrowing dangers. But there are always two sides of the coin, and where there are disadvantages, there will always be advantages. The greater the perils, the greater the rewards you receive. If you manage to survive your next chamber, I can assure you that you will certainly be the strongest of all rookies. In fact, you’re already advancing and growing faster than most.”

Luo Jian narrowed his eyes pensively. “But the price I need to pay is very high, isn’t it?”

“My dear child, ah.” Shaking his head, the boss spread out his palms. “Success is built on uncertainties and risks. And I doubt you, of all people, don’t have the guts to take this gamble. After all, if you never had any courage in the first place, then you wouldn’t have been chosen by the chambers.”

Luo Jian didn’t respond. He remained deep in thought for a moment, before turning to leave. Just when he raised his leg to step out of the door, the Boss, who seemed to have recalled something in that instant, suddenly called out to him, stopping the other in his tracks. “You still haven’t met the veteran player I wanted to introduce you to before, have you? Perhaps you can meet with him soon. And don’t forget to bring any loot you happen to have obtained in the chamber with you; you never know, maybe you’ll be in for a pleasant surprise.”

“Loot?” Luo Jian stared back at the other suspiciously. “How did you know?”

“I guessed.” An unfathomable, profound look clouded the boss’ features. “In exactly three days’ time, come back and meet me here again.”

Luo Jian gave the other a curt nod, then exited the dilapidated bar. He was constantly moving on his feet the entire night, so he had no time to rest. Before he knew it, it was already nine o’clock in the morning by the time he left the bar. The sun was shining brightly in the clear skies, and the streets were busy; the world was passing normally, like every other ordinary day. Luo Jian bite at his fingers to keep himself awake and distracted, but this little habit seemed to have annoyed that restless little buddy of his, that monochrome serpent.

The serpent coiled around his arm and remained utterly motionless, like a metal bracelet. Even when its own master, that Stalker, appeared, the snake was still indifferent. It was so calm, that Luo Jian nearly forgot about its existence. However, just now, it moved. Writhing slightly, it repositioned itself, winding around Luo Jian’s wrist again. Its icy touch made Luo Jian shudder.

But the serpent soon grew calm and stopped moving, once again resting on the other’s arm obediently. Seeing that there wasn’t anything unusual about it, Luo Jian simply let it be.

Right now, he was more concerned about Feng Yu Lan.

Thinking of Feng Yu Lan, Luo Jian massaged his aching temples. He always knew that he himself didn’t have much luck, but that idiot was truly one unlucky bastard. Not only had he mistakenly been forced into this survival game, but he even managed to catch the eye of a murderer who was looking to kill him! This outcome was completely out of Luo Jian’s expectations. And now, Luo Jian didn’t even know where Duan Li took him.

The helpless Luo Jian thought back on the boss’ words. After hardening his heart and composing himself, he decided to put this matter to the side for the time being. He should try not to worry about the other for a while. So long as he had his life, there would always be an opportunity to get his friend back.

As of this moment, Luo Jian focused on the veteran player he would see in a few days; if he had to be honest, he was actually looking forward to meeting him. He then remembered the journal back at his place; perhaps, he gained an unexpected fortune.

But with Feng Yu Lan’s disappearance, trouble came knocking on his door. Shortly after returning home, a few uninvited guests came over to Luo Jian’s place, inviting him over to the police station for a small chat. Luo Jian had absolutely no idea how to explain why or how Feng Yu Lan suddenly went missing. Despite being closely supervised by the police, he had easily been taken away. Not only were there two officers keeping watch on him while he was resting in bed, but there was even an undercover van monitoring him from outside the hospital. If not all, the wards and corridors of the hospital were also filled with surveillance cameras.

“Mister Luo Jian. You arrived at the hospital yesterday afternoon to visit your friend, Feng Yu Lan, correct? Yet, interestingly enough, we seemed to have lost track of your whereabouts moments after, and the same seemed to have happened with Mr. Feng Yu Lan. We conducted several investigations and scoured the entire scene, but we noticed that the security cameras had been completely destroyed—we’re assuming the evidence had been tampered with—and our officers had also been knocked unconscious, no doubt the killer was very professional and skilled at evading. Now, do you have anything to say about this?”

Feigning ignorance, Luo Jian shook his head solemnly, “I went to visit my friend, but before I could step inside the room, I saw two police officers lying on the ground, unconscious. I shouted at the nurse to call the doctor, and then I entered the ward. But… I didn’t see my friend… So, I just…left.”

“Your account of this is too far-fetched. Your friend mysteriously disappeared, and rather than immediately reporting this to the police, you just turn on your heels without looking back and thoughtlessly leave?”

Beyond frustrated, Luo Jian pulled at his disheveled hair and exhaled through his teeth, “Haven’t you guys constantly been watching over him, huh? I believed that the police would’ve instantly taken matters into their hands, so I left, reassured that everything would be solved soon.”

Out of nowhere, the police ferociously slammed his palms on the table in front of Luo Jian and began threatening the other, “Mr. Luo Jian, let’s cut to the chase. Your behavior is highly suspicious, and right now, you’re our number one suspect in this case. We may not have enough evidence to incriminate you as of this moment, but we are still capable of detaining you for however long we would like. So, how about we stop beating around the bush. I do hope you can speak the full truth, every single detail you know, without holding any information back.”

Luo Jian sighed helplessly. Thinking he was doomed to be detained, he braced himself for the order, but who would’ve known that the officer who was interrogating him would suddenly be called outside by other officers. After a couple of minutes, the man strode back in. He threw a side-glance at Luo Jian then rolled his eyes and said, “Alright. You’re free to go.”

“Hah?” blurted Luo Jian, dumbfounded. He was more than surprised and baffled, to say the least.

Luo Jian walked out of the police station, only to run into the masked man, Thirteen. As always, Thirteen was wearing all black: a black mask, some black pants, a black windbreaker. Frankly speaking, he looked as though he was getting ready to rob a bank. And yet, he still had enough courage to stand in front of the police station doors so confidently, despite looking like a thief. Upon seeing him, Luo Jian reckoned that the boss, being the guide to all newcomers in this town, used some underhanded means to conceal this incident and persuade the government to release Luo Jian.

Thirteen opened his mouth to speak; the words that came from him were awfully kind and apologetic, “This incident was a bit more troublesome than expected, so it took quite a while. Would you like for me to send you home?”

Feeling somewhat awkward and embarrassed by this situation, Luo Jian offered a faint smile and replied, “Thank you, but there’s no need. You didn’t get any sleep last night either, so just go home and get some rest.”

“I’m truly sorry. I was hardly any help.” Thirteen was feeling a tad regretful. “Players who specialize in magic are extremely rare. And naturally talented rookies like you two, who are blessed with innate skills and who also work together as a team flawlessly, watching each other’s backs and sticking with each other through thick and thin, are even harder to come by. I did consider letting you two join my team, but…”

“You’ve also helped me a lot.” Thirteen was too polite that Luo Jian couldn’t find any fault with him. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Upon opening them, he gestured towards Thirteen, “Come on, let’s just go back.”

The following days, Luo Jian lived his life fairly comfortably; he wasn’t met with any unfortunate accidents, and no one came looking for him again. And like that, three days passed within a blink of an eye.

Luo Jian left his residence in the morning to meet with the boss. With the “Killer’s English Journal” tucked safely in his arms, he set off into the bar’s direction. It wasn’t long before he came face-to-face with the legendary veteran player the boss had previously mentioned. But to his utter surprise and disappointment, it was just a plain-looking middle-aged uncle. If one had to describe him, the man was like that one standard villager, Villager A, amongst the sea of many easily-forgotten villagers—unremarkable and quite ordinary. It not all, this supposed veteran player was very timid, as well. Having caught sight of Luo Jian, he smiled courteously. His voice was as smooth and soft as silk; and he gave off a gentle and mature aura, appropriate for his age.

Nevertheless, Luo Jian was, obviously, still slightly upset. All of the players he had seen so far had very strong and distinct personalities and quirks. For instance, Thirteen, whose black masks and rather odd attires embodied his very being, or Fourteen, that twin-tailed little girl who often stuck to Thirteen’s side, or even Boss, who was known for being habitually drunk and disoriented. These individuals were people with strong characters, people that somewhat shined like the protagonists of novels, people who others could sense weren’t ordinary with just once glance.

He was anticipating someone overflowing with charisma, certainly not some ordinary chap who looked like he randomly strolled in from the side of the road. The unexpected appearance of such an ordinary mob character simply devastated Luo Jian, who was genuinely prepared to shake hands with a new peculiar character, a character of any kind—perhaps a legendary hero, a gloomy rogue, an audacious pervert, just someone brimming with awesomeness or unconventionality. Alas, the world wasn’t always fair, and in the end, he was left with the bitter taste of sheer disappointment.

Boss seemed to have perceived Luo Jian’s feelings. He explained, “Don’t be disappointed, kiddo. This guy here isn’t as simple or ordinary as he looks. He’s an expert at appraising goods. There are times in the chambers where you might obtain an item or artifact that you have absolutely no idea what to do with; you might fiddle around with it for a while and such, but you still wouldn’t have a single clue as to how to use it. In situations like those, you need someone who possess the weapons, arm power, sources and materials to gather more information, someone who has the brains and ingenuity to even formulate a plan or come up with a solution… And that’s where this fellow comes in. If you had a scout, investigator, appraiser, or even a consigliere—just anyone who is extremely skilled in this particular field—the chances of escaping death can increase significantly, and you’ll be left with infinite possibilities.”

“He’s that amazing?!” Luo Jian was astonished by this revelation. He sized the man before his eyes, looking him up and down. With impeccable manners, the man bowed then smiled warmly at Luo Jian.

Realizing his mistake, Luo Jian, who had newfound respect and admiration for the man, also smiled back at him.

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