Trafford's Trading Club

Chapter 466 The Person Who Left Like A Clear Spring

"Master... Would you like something to drink? "

Tai Yinzi suddenly said this but he soon felt sorry for what he said... He clearly felt Miss Maid’s eyes.

Fierce and scornful... deep blue eyes.

’Taking care of Master... Don’t look at me like this, I really don’t want to do your job.’ Tai Yinzi suddenly gave a shudder.

"I’m not thirsty." Luo Qiu calmly said this while looking at Tai Yinzi who was restless.

He softly smiled as if showing encouragement, "Tai Yinzi, do you remember your life 500 years ago?"

Tai Yinzi was astonished.

And obviously, he was lost in thought.

His life... Five hundred years ago?

What was it like?

Tai Yinzi was absent-minded, as if he saw his remote past...


The trio of the club now became quiet.

Miss Maid was used to waiting and the boss enjoyed the waiting progress. As for Tai Yinzi, maybe he was waiting for something too.



In the singer’s waiting room, a stylist was putting on make up for Cheng Yiran--- according to the program rules, the starting order was determined by the audience’s voting results... Whoever had more counts, they would be the most expected and would be the last one to play on stage.

Cheng Yiran was the first.

But Li Zifeng said it was alright because he believed that Cheng Yiran would conquer everyone’s ears at the very beginning.

"You have already reached this step, do not think of anything else." Li Zifeng patted Cheng Yiran’s shoulder while looking at him in the mirror. "Burst out all of your energy later and let everyone remember your name starting from tonight."

Li Zifeng was really good at motivating a persons’ passion.

Even though he had all sorts of indecent tricks--- but there was no doubt that his tricks were effective, weren’t they?

This new singer totally trusted him now. Li Zifeng believed this relationship would become stronger in the future.

"Let me tell you a piece of news, Mr. Zhong also came here."

Li Zifeng now seriously said, "Do you feel that our company values you very much? Am I increasing your pressure when I say this? But you need to know, if you can’t bear these pressures... "

Cheng Yiran suddenly waved his hand at this time, "I want to quiet down... before the show."

"Well, I’ll call you if time is up." Li Zifeng nodded. "I’m waiting outside."

Cheng Yiran sat in this modest room for resting, putting the guitar on his legs, and lightly playing while looking at himself in the mirror.

"At last, I reached this step."

"Have you seen it? I finally reached this step, with my dream and yours... our dream."

He was here but Hong Guan was not--- Cheng Yiran once thought, that he and Hong Guan would be here together. However, he was alone now.

"But it doesn’t matter." Cheng Yiran said to himself.

Because it is fine... if he was by himself.

Cheng Yiran began to play rhythmic music instead of freely playing--- What he was playing was an uncompleted original song, which was not his own creation.

"Can you hear this?"

Today, he wanted to finish it.


"Did... did you see that? Yiran will play first."

In the auditorium, Hong Guan sat silently--- His seat was accidentally near the stage. He entered in the end.

Looking at the stage, Hong Guan couldn’t help thinking of his first time on stage... Of course, the stage at that time could not be compared with this.

It was just a small pub in an alley in Beijing...

At that time, several young men with music dreams crazily formed a band.

They didn’t even have posters at that time. When they first stepped on the stage, the band name was merely written on the blackboard at the doorway of the pub, above the ticket price.

Hong Guan remembered clearly that there were only 5 tickets sold during their first performance--- 50 yuan per piece. It was not even enough for a day’s meal.

However, he would remember this all his life.

Shouldn’t their first performance with dreams be remembered?

Time had passed.

Hong Guan couldn’t hear clearly what the host was talking about. However, he suddenly heard a lot of applause... He knew Cheng Yiran was going to appear on the stage.

This enthusiastic applause probably owed to the host. Nevertheless, Hong Guan thought it may be also owed to Feiyun Entertainment.

Seven or eight young men sat at the front of the stage, holding up the fluorescent signs with Cheng Yiran’s name on it.

He had a fan club already? How fast!

But he hadn’t released any formal singles.

"Let’s welcome our first singer---Cheng Yiran!" The host generously pointed to the singers’ entryway, "Can this new singer burst out all his energy and conquer all of us? Welcome!"

A figure appeared in the middle of the stage. When the magnesia lamp lit up, Hong Guan saw a familiar but strange face... thinking Cheng Yiran couldn’t see him as he was sitting in dark place.

The stage was alternating between bright and dark. It also separated the world in two.

Cheng Yiran didn’t wave his hand to any of the audience here, he just carried the guitar and walked out.

The scene was quiet.

But Cheng Yiran seemed to be even quieter than all the people here.

He quietly plugged the pin of his electric guitar into the audio and hung the guitar on his neck, closing his eyes and standing alone in front of the microphone.

The audience was still quiet... exceptional quiet.

Now it seemed that Chen Yiran was going to have a solo... Where were the band musicians?

No bass player, no drummer or electric pianist.

And the music director just looked at him in surprise... A singer who introduced himself naturally didn’t need any temporary performers.

But this newbie... was just alone.

"What’s going on?" Li Zifeng looked under the stage, frowning, and he quickly made a phone call, "Why is Cheng Yiran the only one on the stage? Where are other musicians?"

"Director Li, Mr. Cheng said he didn’t need us when we prepared to go on stage."

"What?" Li Zifeng had the impulsion to throw the phone and he angrily said, "What does he want to do? He just has a guitar... What does he want to do?"

"We don’t know, we are angry, too... Is he kidding us?"

"Wait first." Li Zifeng took a deep breath.

He needed to do crisis management... but the problem was that Cheng Yiran was on the stage, if he suddenly stopped him at this time, it would be hard on his appearance.


"Is he Cheng Yiran?"

At the special seats above the studio, Zhang Qingrui looked down at the stage center through the opened curtain... looking at this man who should have passed the impulsive age.

The pure face of Cheng Yiran didn’t give too much impression on Zhang Qingrui--- but the way he appeared on the stage made her feel quite strange.

"It’s said that he is a rock-and-roll style?" Zhang Qingrui curiously said, "Is his first song a solo?"

"Cheng Yun?" Zhong Luochen indifferently asked this.

Cheng Yun hurriedly said, "Second Young Master, we didn’t arrange this. According to the plan, he should sing a starting song here. We’ve invited the best songwriters to customize this for Cheng Yiran... but maybe there was something wrong. Shall I go and communicate with the program groups?"

"No need." Zhong Luochen shook his head and lightly said, "Let’s see what he is going to do."

Zhang Qingrui took a glance at Zhong Luochen, raising up the binoculars to look at the stage... the round lenses infinitely shortened the distance between her eyes and the stage.

However, Zhang Qingrui suddenly stopped when she moved the binoculars.

What did she see?

In the first row, she saw her amazing classmate!

Zhang Qingrui abruptly put down the binoculars, frowning... These actions were very subtle and she was sure that they didn’t attract Zhong Luochen and Cheng Yun’s attention.

Miss Zhang felt a jolt at this moment, she raised up the binoculars once again and focused there but she saw nothing.

Did... she imagine it?

At this time, a voice was heard on the scene... Cheng Yiran’s voice.

"There was a girl who likes rock and roll better than anyone else and she left me an unfinished song. This evening, I want to finish it."

The guitar pick gently swept across the guitar, the crisp tone was like a magical hand which grabbed the hearts of all people at once.

Cheng Yiran slowly opened his eyes, "I wrote the lyrics. Maybe it isn’t that good... but anyway, I’ll show you, ’Again’."


"This is... Xiaomeng’s song!"

In the audience, Hong Guan suddenly stood up... the first one who did so.

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