Song of Adolescence

Chapter 294 Magnificent Army of Thousands

Chapter 294 Magnificent Army of Thousands

A thousand light armoured soldiers were on a raid, their speed as swift as a gust of wind. They were the fastest army in Beili, the Luo City Army. All the soldiers were outfitted with light armour and specialised in surprise attacks. When it came to a fast and deep raid to kill one person, there was indeed no force more suitable than them.

But they suddenly came to a stop.

The Deputy General, Chen Hu, who was at the rear of the formation, pulled the reins on his horse and asked, "What is it?"

Next to him was the advisor from Heavenly Revelations who had been urged to follow the army. He was already out of breath and unable to speak.

One of the soldiers at the head of the battalion galloped over on his horse.

"What happened?" Chen Hu asked, looking displeased.

"General, there’s someone ahead on the road blocking our way." The soldier dismounted and knelt on the ground.

"Who would dare to block our way? How many of them? Which army?" Chen Hu asked in confusion.

The soldier shook his head. "They’re not an army."

"Then, what?"

"One person with a spear."

Standing before the thousands of soldiers, there was a gorgeous silver spear stabbed into the ground and a woman in commoner’s clothing who sat behind the long spear, calm and relaxed.

There were several carcasses of horses that had fallen at her feet while several soldiers who were still bleeding from their wounds, stood at the front of the battalion and glared at her like tigers watching their prey.

"You may not pass through this road," the woman said slowly.

At the rear of the formation, Chen Hu barked angrily, "One person with a spear managed to stop you all? And she’s a woman?"

"A few of our vanguard soldiers already went ahead to intercept, but…" the soldier hesitated.

Chen Hu drew his horse whip and snapped, "Speak."

The soldier bowed his head. "They were all beaten off their horses and seriously injured. The woman said that if it weren’t for her mercy, it wouldn\'t be as simple as a serious injury."

"I\'m afraid she’s not an ordinary woman." The advisor sighed. "Back then, the Wrath Sword Immortal Yan Zhantian also stood alone and forced the great Nanjue army of 10,000 soldiers to retreat. Looks like someone is here to copy the actions of their predecessors."

"Useless trash!" Chen Hu yelled angrily and with a wave of his horse whip, he rushed forward to the front of the battalion. He glared at the woman sitting behind the long spear. "Who are you? Why are you standing in the way of my Luo City Army?"

"Sikong Qianluo." The woman stood up.

Chen Hu was stunned for a moment, and he glanced at the woman\'s clothes. "You’re from the martial world?"

"No, I\'m from Heavenly Revelations City." The woman picked up her spear from the ground and slowly drew a line. "The Four Guardians of Heavenly Revelations City, Guardian of the South, Zhuque.”

Chen Hu furrowed his brows. Naturally, he had heard of the legends from Heavenly Revelations City. He had heard of the young man armed with a spear who fought a path of blood for His Majesty the Emperor. Later, the rest of the Four Guardians stayed in Heavenly Revelations but that young man left Heavenly Revelations City. If this was really that young man, then it wasn’t unreasonable for him to copy the actions of Wrath Sword Immortal Yan Zhantian. However, he was a man, and everybody under Heaven knew this. Because he also abducted the most beautiful woman in Heavenly Revelations City. What\'s more, he wasn’t the right age either. Chen Hu had a thought. "Are you a descendant of that senior?"

Sikong Qianluo raised her eyebrows without answering.

Chen Hu agreed tacitly to this statement and said, "Since you’re a descendant of that senior, then on account of the past service to His Majesty the Emperor, I will ask the lady to step aside. I will not pursue what happened earlier."

Sikong Qianluo returned a smile and used her spear to point at the long line on the ground. "Do you know what this line represents?"

Chen Hu was stunned for a moment and he looked at the line suspiciously.

"Anyone who crosses this line, kill[2]," Sikong Qianluo said evenly.

Chen Hu sneered, drew the long sabre at his waist and aimed a heavy kick at his horse’s belly. He rushed towards Sikong Qianluo, raised his long sabre and slashed it down towards Sikong Qianluo\'s neck. "Then, you will die first."

Sikong Qianluo stared impassively at the long sabre coming down at her. She tilted her head lightly to avoid it. Then, she waved her right arm. The long spear rose like a dragon and swooped down at Chen Hu.

With a "ping" sound, the spear pierced through Chen Hu\'s helm.

Chen Hu’s horse galloped past Sikong Qianluo.

Sikong Qianluo continued to look indifferent.

But Chen Hu\'s face was starting to look terrible.

He pulled his horse\'s head around and stared at Sikong Qianluo\'s back. His helm suddenly split into two and dropped onto the ground. A wave of dread rose in his heart, and this dread quickly turned into rage. He raised his long sabre and shouted, "Crush her dead!"

They finally received their commander’s orders and the Luo City Army soldiers immediately roared in response. They kicked their horses and rushed at Sikong Qianluo.

"No one can survive the charge of the Luo City Army." Chen Hu prodded his horse to avoid the charge. He wanted to watch the battle, because no matter how overconfident this woman seemed, she would find a way to dodge the attack.

But Sikong Qianluo stood there just like that, though her hands clenched tighter on her spear.

In fact, she was terrified in her heart. Even when she faced Chen Hu single-handedly, she was terrified. Although she was highly skilled in her martial arts, she had never walked the martial world on her own, not to mention facing such a terrifying battle on her own.

But what’s the use of being afraid? Fear could not bring you victory.

Sikong Qianluo raised her spear and jumped up.

"With one spear, I will enter Unfettered. I will help you return to Heavenly Revelations and take the seat of the dragon!"

Her spear struck one move, the gale force wind gushed forth.

A thousand light armoured cavalry came towards her like a wave. With just one move, she tore a rift right through the wave!

Chen Hu looked at all this flabbergasted, as if in that moment, the young man who stood in front of the Hall of Calming Purity had appeared right in front of him again!

Sikong Qianluo felt an indescribable passion and energy in her body. Every spear move she struck was so passionate and energised!

The Unfettered Heavenly Realm. Among this generation of Snow Moon City disciples, she actually entered the Unfettered Heavenly Realm for real, ahead of Tang Lian, Lei Wujie, and Luo Mingxuan!

She leaped among the soldiers, her spear thrusting back and forth like a dragon, as one after another, the horses fell before her and the soldiers tumbled off their horses.

"One hundred." Sikong Qianluo raised her spear and soared.

"One hundred and twenty." Sikong Qianluo wiped off the blood staining her forehead and exhaled lightly.

Chen Hu finally lost his composure and drew his sabre to fight his way in. His army had always specialised in surprise attacks. In battle, they were often sent in to disperse the enemy camp before taking them out one by one. But, Sikong Qianluo was too fast. They were the ones whose formation was being thrown into disarray. Their horses were falling one by one, their soldiers were dying one by one. Perhaps this young lady could really copy the actions of Yan Zhantian. With one spear astride on her horse, she could single-handedly face off their army of a thousand.

Back then, Yan Zhantian killed 2,000 soldiers in an army of 10,000, causing the enemy force to collapse and retreat in chaos. Now, he had a thousand soldiers. How many hundreds would Sikong Qianluo kill off before they retreated?

"You!" Chen Hu grabbed a soldier next to him who was covered in blood. "Get back to Luo City and report! Send another thousand people! Go!"

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