Oukoku e Tsuzuku Michi

Chapter 282: The Surging Poor

Chapter 282: The Surging Poor

Aegir POV–

The middle-aged couple and their two twenty-something year old daughters bow their heads in front of me.

Before they could talk to me, Celia came in between us.

「What do you want!? Don’t tell me you hold resentment for what happened to your son!」

Celia speaks to them in a forceful tone. This is quite the nice change, seeing as how she’s either acting spoiled or pouting around me.

Maybe I should think of a plan to have us make love once in a while as she verbally abuses me.

「O-of course not! Gerald is not even considered our son anymore! Attacking Hardlett-sama is an act of sheer madness, let me apologize once again――」

Aah, it’s about that guy. I wasn’t interested in him to begin with so why would I care about his parents.

「You don’t really have to apologize. There’s really nothing you can do at this point. Is that all you have to say?」

Did they think I would harass his parents or his household? I won’t do something so troublesome.

「Please wait!」

「You still have something to say......」

The middle-aged couple pleads with their heads touching the ground. I really hate prostrating and people prostrating to me.

「For what my foolish son did, my entire family falls prostrate and apologizes to you! The guards have already told us how serious a crime it was! If need be, I would not disagree to punishing my son with my own hands! So please...... could you provide the Geissler family with a letter of pardon?」

「Letter of pardon?」

Not knowing what that is, I look to Celia, who whispers to me.

「It’s a document mainly to forgive one of their crimes. Of course, this one would not be for Gerald, but for his family.」

「I never charged them with any crime in the first place. It’s the same with the guards too, no?」

Marta whispers to me next.

「Despite being their prodigal son, it doesn’t change the fact that one of their family pointed blades at master, so the family’s customers and clients, afraid of upsetting master’s mood, are not willing to get close to them. They can’t continue to do business as such.」

Now I understand. But that’s for them to deal with, why do I have to get involved for their sake?

「At this rate, our entire family and our employees will be rendered homeless...... please, show some mercy.」

「Like I care.」

I push aside the middle-aged family head. I’ve never even heard of the Geissler family until now, so why should I do anything for them. Celia also ascertains my feelings and prepares to throw them out.

「The day after my foolish younger brother committed the rude act, I was divorced from the family I married into. At this rate, I’d have to stand on the side of the road and-......」

One of the daughters looks up at me with tears in her eyes.

That pains my heart a little. What happened to Gerald doesn’t make me feel guilty since he himself was the one who fell for my trap, however I do feel bad for the suffering it caused to the girl.

「Aah...... this isn’t good.」

Celia mutters something.

「Please. There’s no other option for us to live except by depending on Hardlett-sama.」

So this daughter is the younger sister. Her breasts are more voluptuous than her older sister’s and I can see the valley between them.

Now that I think about it, writing out a letter for them is fine.

It only takes a few minutes, besides I can’t stand seeing these girls go empty-handed after pleading with such despair.

Realizing my gaze is focused on his daughters’ chests and thighs, the head of the family continues.

「If it pleases you, go ahead and ravish my daughters. So ......」

「Yes! By all means eat me up.」「I’ll do anything.」

「Using your daughters as tools, get the hell out of here!」

Celia shouts angrily. I agree.

「Absolutely disgraceful. You two should be hurt as well. Drink something and calm down.」

「Nmoh! I knew this would happen.」

Celia is upset, but it’s in a man’s nature to want to pour his seed into a moderately sensual woman. Forgive me.

I maintain my cold stare at the couple while pulling the arms of the two daughters, leading them to the guest room.


「I’m dying...... no, I’m...... dead......」

「Me too...... I can survive now as long as I have this big dick......」

The two sisters are lying in a heap on the front of the bed, both spasming.

「Alright, not even one hour passed. I can pass it off as a short break.」

If I am gone for too long, Nonna will get angry.

But letting the chance to embrace some girls go is not much fun either.

「I’ve written the letter of pardon. I’ll leave it here so feel free to take it with you.」

I don’t know if they could hear me as I pat the heads of the two weakly mewing girls

It was a little bit troublesome, but writing the letter beforehand pleased the girls enough to prompt them to joyfully offer their bodies to me, as well as allow me to cum inside them. That got me fired up and pump plenty of semen in them so the chances of them getting pregnant is pretty high.

「Hardlett-sama...... a kiss......」「Me too......」

The two of them beg for a kiss, with the younger sister dropping from the bed to kiss my dick.

The sisters initially wanted only the letter of pardo, but I was able to make them fall for me in bed. It took around thirty minutes per person, which I think is pretty good.

「Both of you belong to me now. After all...... fufufu.」

I roll the girls over and look at their vaginas.

Both of them had their holes horribly stretched out, then mercilessly creampied.

The older of the two was apparently married but she was as tight as a virgin.

「With something as big as that...... it’s only...... natural.」

Furthermore, the younger sister had a stronger sex drive and pleaded more aggressively for my pounding.

Because of that, I got aroused than usual and stretched out not only her front, but the back hole as well.

「Both of them are gaping wide...... how lovely......」

「Let me know if you get pregnant. I won’t treat you poorly.」

When I whisper those last words to the girls, they look up with unfocused eyes and smile.

When I returned to the party, not only did Nonna headbutt me after Celia told her the story, Mel also stared darkly at me as I walked around the hall.

「Viscount Binbo. How are you doing? You look happy.」

「Hahaha, why you ask, it’s because the merchant just cancelled the debt...... no, nevermind.」

I don’t get it at all.


「Lord Hardlett, I have something discuss with you regarding the measures for the refugees.」

The inauguration ceremony and the party that followed continued until late at night, and by the time cleanup was done, a full day had passed.

Adolph slept during that whole time and finally woke up at about noon today.

「......there’s no need to hurry. I heard that you strained yourself quite a bit while I was absent. If you don’t rest more, many things will start falling apart.」

I look at the top of Adolph’s head as I speak.

「It looks pretty loose. Some of it looks like they’re going to fall off.」

「Loose...... shouldn’t it be the opposite? The root of opposition between the original people and the refugees is getting stronger. Looking at the provision of food to the refugees from the perspective of the peasants, it seems as if they’re eating without doing any work.」

「What’s important is how to limit the damage...... there’s not much leeway. At this rate, it might get worse.」

「The origin of the problem is the poverty of Vandolea, so it’s hard to think an invasion will come from there....... Although if all the refugees and citizens clash, it will cause big damage to our rule in the future. It’s true we don’t have much leeway.」

I compare the hair whorls of Gido standing nearby and Adolph, then shake my head.

「It makes me sad when I compare the two......」

「Are you referring to Malt? Some refugees are flowing over there, but the difference is the nature of the residents. They’ve always had a mild personality so they won’t cause much of a stir. ......you’re more talkative than usual today.」

Adolph nods contently.

What were we talking about again? I was referring to the lonely-looking top of his head.

「I’ll now be doing an inspection of the refugees who were permitted to live on the outskirts of Rafen, so please come with me.」

「Refugees? Women?」

「......Hardlett-sama limited the women to live close to Rafen and even permitted houses to be built.」

「Then let’s go.」

I’ll gladly do inspections of women.

As we pay a visit to the district where refugees were allowed, we see the usual range of activities done by normal citizens.

「Mama, food~」「Right, right, I’ll make it now.」

「Rami! Help out with the laundry!」「Sorry~」

To point out a difference, it would be the fact that there are only women and children here.

No, that’s not a big deal.

As we get closer, the attitude of the girls change.

「Rami! Come here!」

The girls hurry the children inside the houses and grow timid.

They don’t say anything and awkwardly look down, trying not to do anything provocative.

「There has been several disputes with the residents. With all the necessities of life provided for them and being exempt from head tax...... there will inevitably be some who think it’s unfair.」

Adolph explains to me the situation.

「That’s not good.」

They don’t seem like the type who can use force to settle problems.

Eventually, the girls realize I’m the person who took them into the territory and start stepping out of their homes.

Some thank me, others try to curry favor with me, and while it looks selfish, getting pampered by a bunch of girls feels great.

I’ll ask the refugees what the situation is like while I’m at it.

「Do you have any inconveniences in you daily lives?」

「No. This is a better life than before!」「I really appreciate that you’ve provided us with enough food to fill our bellies and even a house.」

The woman takes my arm as if trying to keep my side to herself.

If she does that, it’ll make me want to treat her more favorably.

「But...... if possible, I’d like my husband and older son to live together......」

One of the girls answers reservedly. That’s going to be difficult.

One reason is that I simply don’t want to go so far as providing meals for men, but another reason is that all the disputes here have been stopped short of violence because only powerless women are here. If they’re only harassing or pestering others verbally as a form of conflict, let them do as they please.

If hot-blooded men were added to the mix, it would add a strength factor into arguments.

If they happen to get upset and strike another person, it would incite further violence in retaliation and things would get out of hand.

「But we can’t keep things as they are. We must quickly solve the refugees’ problems. They’re not included in the tax either.」

I want to pass this off to Adolph, but that wouldn’t be good for my conscience if that turned him bald.

「What happened to your hometown? Isn’t it strange that so many have come after the mountain erupted?」

In actuality, that raining ash was incredible. But even with the passage of time, more and more refugees are flooding to my territory.

I want to know why.

The women’s faces become gloomy.

「The ash ...... it didn’t stop falling. It kept falling down for months on end......」

「The weight of all that ash crushed houses and buried fields so we couldn’t live at all......」

「It was that bad?」

I only saw the immediate effects of the explosion, I didn’t know it was still raining ash elsewhere.

「I guess you won’t be able to return home for a while. It looks like the only option is to find some way to get you settled here.」

Adolph makes a worried face, then asks a question after composing himself.

「By the way, why did you girls head north? It would make more sense to head to the capital city Vandola, no?」

That’s right, now that I think about it. It isn’t the best option to deliberately cross the borders of an enemy nation.

There’s a possibility...... or there should be, a possibility that these girls were made into playthings.

「We at first wanted to head south to Vandola as well, and I don’t know if there were too many refugees, but the soldiers blocked the way......」

「The children were starving and the ash was suffocating...... there was no other choice but to head north while acting as their playthings.」

「We heard from the soldiers that women are permitted to live near Rafen, so we were prepared to do so.」

「Yet we were treated so kindly...... aahn. I already adore you, feudal lord-sama.」

The crowd of women let out sweet coquettish sounds as they close in tighter around me. Wonderful, how wonderful.

「Something big is...... what is this...... could it be ‘that’?」「No way, it couldn’t be that big, right? It must be a log or......」


Adolph clears his throat loudly. If he exerts himself so much, his hair will fall out.

「I want to ask one more question. There have been an increasing number of refugees lately, do you know why?」

The girls look at each other before answering.

「It’s probably because some people go back home to let their families know. They say things like “You get food in Hardlett-sama’s territory” or “Young women in particular get treated well”. That brings the people still remaining in the hometowns and those who have escaped to other parts in droves to Hardlett-sama’s territory.」

「Especially women.」

「Aah...... what a disaster.」

「Fuhahahaha. What a blessing!」

Adolph and I look at each other as we both express a form of shock.

What’s with that face? You’ll lose your hair like that.

Then, a single woman speaks her mind in a worried tone.

「My younger brother is 15 and I couldn’t bring him along...... he’s weak in body and spirit so I wonder if he’s doing alright......」

What a timid girl. It’s because you’re so weak-hearted that your brother is like that.

「......he shouldn’t starve to death in the residential district for the refugees near the border.」

However the treatment in that district, allocating ten people per tent and distributing emergency rations, is completely different than being provided with a detached house and plenty of food supplies.

「Are you worried about your brother?」

「Yes...... he’s thin enough to be mistaken for a girl and he has a tiny body......」

I do something thinking, then bring myself close to the girl’s ear.

It doesn’t matter if Adolph can hear what I’m saying.

「Then bring him here. Nobody will know his exact age. If he’s as small as thin as you say, he can pass as a child.」

「Y-you mean it!?」

A huge smile covers her face.

「Yeah, I’m the one telling you. There is no mistaking it.」

Polte should be in charge of the refugees.

As long as the rule-enforcing Myla doesn’t find out, there shouldn’t be any problems.

「No, you’re doing this in front of me......」

I look at Adolph and gesture for him to stay silent.

Sorry if you end up losing your hair.

「I’m so happy! I love you, feudal lord-sama!!」

The girl hugs me. She’s unexpectedly plump.

With all these girls clinging to me since earlier, I’m starting to become unable to control myself.

I grab the girl’s hand and guide it to my crotch.

「This is a off-topic, but there are only girls here. ......don’t you have any cravings for a man?」

There is already a bulge forming in my pants from my dick getting a little hard.

「Ah...... I actually have a boyfriend...... eeh!?」

The moment she touches my dick, she cuts her sentence short.

「You’re kidding!? This is your ‘thing’? It’s big! From here to here?」

「Did you say you had a boyfriend?」

I tilt the girl’s chin up and look into her eyes.

「No...... nevermind that. Look how incredibly big it is...... I don’t know what boyfriend you’re talking about.」

I grin and pick her up, carrying her into her house.

「Shall I be gentle?」

「No. I actually really want to be with a man right now...... it would make me happy if you were rough.」

She was truly starving for a man, since she pulled my pants down and swallowed my length as soon as we got inside the house.

She gasped when she saw the full extent of erect member, then rubbed her cheek against it before servicing me devotedly.

After penetrating her and enjoying myself sufficiently, I came inside.

I made it clear that I was releasing my seed into her womb, but she didn’t reject me.

Time for some pillow talk with the girl whose crotch is overflowing with white fluid.

「Didn’t you say you had a boyfriend?」

「Don’t remind me...... I haven’t come close to another man for one month...... if you show me something so big, I wouldn’t be able to resist.」

The girl continues after chuckling.

「I’ll be honest with him. Then after I break up...... will you take me in?」

「Of course. Come whenever you want.」

「How lovely...... it’s like I don’t care if I’m dumped anymore.」

When I step outside after having satisfied the girl, Adolph looks at me with half closed eyes.

Lately, it’s the same with Celia and Nonna, everybody’s been staring at me with narrow eyes.

「......the girls are getting close to Hardlett-sama for selfish reasons. Mainly to have an easy life...... you’re okay with that?」

I chuckle. Adolph, you’re older than me yet you don’t understand.

「I don’t mind. Whether it’s my looks, personality...... money or even my dick, I don’t care about their objectives. If they love some part of me, I will embrace them, love them and accept everything down to their heart. It’s as simple as that.」

「......it’s amazing how you can still be such a womanizer. So, what should we do about the future policies?」

「I don’t know. What do you think we should do?」

I passed it off to him again, but Adolph foresaw it. He continues speaking as if it was a regular occurrence.

「The first prerequisite is that we cannot continue to accept the refugees as we have been. It will put a considerable strain on our finances and the feeling of unfairness will eventually lead to a clash.」

「You may be right. So what’s the plan?」

「There are two choices. The first is to stop any further immigration of refugees, assimilate the refugees currently in the territory as quickly as possible...... assigning them to do work in the mines and such. As for the girls...... it’s fine if they can stay in Rafen as they are.」


It was an immediate answer from me.

「If you do that, the girls will be sad.」

I don’t think smiles will return to the women’s faces if their entire family was thrown into the mines.

For me, women have to be smiling slovenly.

「Besides, you don’t want to go with such a plan either, right?」

「......I’m just a worthless domestic affairs official. I have to present all the options to my superior.」

Adolph sighs, then continues to the next choice.

「The other option is to send the refugees to the undeveloped parts of the land and have them build pioneer villages and fields. We have plenty of land and we need support for the initial development of things like food supplies...... it will connect to future tax revenue so we aren’t giving charity, rather it can be considered an investment.」

Adolph’s enthusiasm is unlike before. It’s clear that this is his true intention.

「With this method, we don’t need to keep the influx of refugees under strict control. If we can present a place where the wanderers can live, they will move there on their own and create their new home.」

「Fortunately, we still have an abundance of food.」

「You’re right. Our territory has a small number of people compared to the vast area, so looking long-term, the influx of people is a good thing...... and in fact this was somewhat expected so a place has been assigned for them already.」

「Good. Then let’s start the process.」

If he had so much confidence, he could have began implementing the solution without consulting me.

「But there is one problem.」

Adolph’s expression gets a little darker.

「It’s possible to let them do the cultivation of new land and simple construction, however undeveloped land does not necessarily mean satisfactory. From drainage to the poorness of land quality or perhaps a nearby monster’s nest, plenty of inconveniences exist...... things may not go smoothly if we send them to those lands right away. The power of the military is necessary, starting with the engineering corps. Which brings me to why I thought it best to discuss with Hardlett-sama.」

So that’s what he wants to talk about.

「In that case, I have the perfect people for the job.」

I think of Daša. The slender-legged girl accepted plenty of my semen and should have gotten pregnant.

「......the Vandolean soldiers who surrendered? That is certainly close to a thousand in manpower But they are......」

「The soldiers who surrendered earlier will create friction with the citizens who experienced hardships...... right?」

Leopolt also said that.

「That’s why we should let them handle the physical jobs and monster extermination. If they help with creating a new world, the refugees will not complain.」

They’ll value the present lifestyle over the past grudges.

「Will things really be that simple?」

「Fufufu, besides the time is ripe now.」

I will get them excited with an impassioned speech.

「Have you seen the girls in Rafen today? They’re starving for men. And the Vandolean soldiers are all men who have barely touched, let alone seen, girls for several months. I’m sure some of them have even violated other men out of desperation.」

「I don’t want to imagine it.」

Neither do I.

「If women starving for men meet with men starving for women, trivial quarrels will be blown out of the water.」

「That may be for single women, but it will cause various problems for those with a family......」

「I’ll leave that part to you.」

「......Haa. But if the quarrels of the former Vandolean soldiers get cleared up, it would be the best outcome. Bej?ek-san seems to have a good control over them, so they should mobilize when Hardlett-sama summons them.」

「The main part is to protect the girls. If the guys know they have pretty girls behind them, they would want to do good work to show off. That’s what men are like.」

People like Tristan are abnormal. Maybe he doesn’t even have a dick attached to his body.

「...... as expected of a womanizer. You’re knowledgeable about all things female.」

Don’t praise me so much.

「But you’re going to let the girls in Rafen go too. I was anxiously waiting for an idiot to come out with the suggestion to surround themselves with all the girls.」

「Right now I don’t have the ability to handle several hundred girls. But everyone still needs to be satisfied.」

It may be possible in terms of money.

But other than surrounding yourself with women, the duty of embracing them and making them happy falls to the man.

As I am now, I don’t have the stamina to take on hundreds of girls at once.

「It just means I still have a ways to go. I must refine my skills as a man. It would make things faster if I had more than one dick.」

「......I wouldn’t be surprised if Hardlett-sama actually had several dicks growing out of him, and that truly scares me.」

That would make me happy. I know this is unrelated, but I hope you grow lots too.

With the talking done, Adolph makes moves to bring shape to his plan.

Maybe I’ll have Tristan tag along.

He knows plenty of things outside military strategy plus he’s always got free time.

He slacks off whenever he sees a chance so working him a little harder at times is just right.

When I’m inspecting the town while thinking of such things, I see something nostalgic.

「It’s this city without a doubt, right?」

「That’s what I hear. But with so many people here, it’ll be hard to find.」

I hear two familiar voices, one with a snow white skin and the other with tanned skin.

「Mack-sama...... where can you be......?」

「Don’t be dispirited, let’s look for him.」

Their four long ears flap around. They are really tall for women.

The dark-skinned one starts peeking into each individual nearby house.

And the white one.......

「Hey, you’re quite the pretty lady.」「Hya, your white skin is so nice~」

A few drunks mingle with them. The two girls run through the alleys while the men chase after them.

I felt like I saw the girl lick her lips for a brief moment.

Secretly, I also follow along.

「Let’s drink together. I won’t treat you bad.」「I’ll take you somewhere nice.」

「I...... refuse!」

The light-skinned elf...... Felteris tears her coat off in front of the men.

While that was a cool gesture, my jaw was about to drop.

「Uooh!」「W-what is that!?」

The female wasn’t wearing anything under her coat.

「You dirty drunks, prepare yourselves!」

Felteris launches a sharp kick at the drunks...... misses and stumbles.

She falls flat on her face and exposes her genitals to the men.

It was quite obviously deliberate.

「Kuh, you’re good. Well done for lower life forms such as yourselves.」

With a naked female in front of them, not to mention the defenseless genitals and breasts, there was no way the dumbfounded drunks could control themselves.

「Hehehe...... what an incredible pervert. I’m going to fuck you.」

「Yeah, we’ll take turns.」

「Kuh! You’re just lowly men!」

One of the men grabs Felteris’s arm, while the other pushes himself between her legs before lowering his pants.

At that moment, curses rain down on the men from her mouth.

「Let go, you short dick! Aren’t you embarrassed of taking out such a tiny and filthy dick like yours!? You really stink too...... do you have some sort of disease? I won’t even feel anything if you insert that cruddy thing inside me!」

「Shut up, pervert!」

「I’ll slam it in your ass too. I don’t need to hold back. I’ll teach you a lesson by screwing all your holes.」

The men get enraged from Felteris’s barrage of insults and push their dicks against her vagina and asshole respectively.

If I left them alone for ten more seconds, the gruesome scene of gang rape would start.

Of course I don’t intend to let that happen.


I grab the collar of one of the men and throw him backwards.

I let him roll on the ground as a form of mercy.

To be honest, Felteris doesn’t seem to dislike having her limbs bound even though she’s screaming.


I catch the fist of the man who tried to punch me and trip him.

And then the other man finally realized my identity.

「Geh, it’s the feudal lord!」「Awawawawa!」

「Get the hell away, stupid drunks.」


The men run away.

「Now then, what should I even say?」

Felteris seems to break into a smile, but immediately scrunches her face.

「Ah, so you’re one of them too! Are you trying to make me let my guard down!?」

So she’s keeping this act up. I’ll have to seduce her then.

「Just be obedient. You naughty girl.」

I grab Felteris’s waist and put her hands on the wall.

「S-so you really are going to violate me! Hmph, fine. Fuck me as much as you want with that fat cock of yours. But I’m one of the proud elf warriors, I won’t lose no matter how much you try to shame me!」

I take my meat rod and ram it into Felteris from behind while standing.

「Aoooooh――!! I’m losinggg! I’m losing my pride as an elf to this huge dick――!!」

「That was quick. Also you’re too loud.」

A moderate amount of moaning is fine, but Felteris’s moans are literally roars.

The normally unpopulated alleyways are slowly starting to fill up with onlookers.

The security guards also run over after hearing the commotion.

「......Lord Hardlett.」

「......Myla, this is not what you think.」

「I won’t yield to you no matter how many times you spank me! Even if you spank me fiercely! Even if you spank me cruelly!!」

The cold eyes of Myla stare holes in me as I slap the shouting Felteris’s swinging ass.

I keep getting stared at by those same narrow eyes today.

For now, I need to get Natia. We can talk after that.

Protagonist: Aegir Hardlett. 24 years old. Winter.

Status: Goldonia Kingdom Margrave. Great Feudal Lord of Eastern Area. Mountain Legend. Friend of the Dwarves. Friend of the King of Aless. Dragon Slayer Hero.

Elf Mediator.

Citizens: 176,000. Refugees: 3500

Major Cities – Rafen: 27,000. Lintbloom: 5000. Vandolea Special Town: 9000.

Army: 7700 men

Infantry: 4500, Cavalry: 1000, Archers: 600, Bow Cavalry: 900, Temporary Refugee Guards: 700

Reserve Army: 2300

Cannons: 20, Large Cannons: 18, Dwarven Cannons: 16


Nonna (legal wife), Carla (concubine), Mel (concubine), Miti (concubine, expecting), Maria (concubine, expecting), Catherine (concubine, expecting)

Melissa (lover), Kuu (lover), Ruu (lover), Mireille (lover), Leah (lover)

Casie (ghost), Rita (busy), Yoguri (playwright), Pipi (caretaker), Alice (sensitive magical girl)

Marceline (pregnant lover), Daughters – Stephanie (lover), Bridget (lover), Felicie (lover)

Sebastian (extremely busy), Dorothea (capital mansion supervisor), Claudia (meatball), Clara (female attendant)

Natia (adventuring elf), Felteris (pervert elf)


Lammy (plant caretaker), Mirumi (mermaid), Alraune (growing), Petit Roper (Alice’s concealment)


Messerschmitt (dog), Pochi (strange lizard)


Celia (adjutant), Marta (aide), Irijina (commander), Luna (commander), Ruby, Myla (enraged security officer), Gido (escort unit), Polte (refugee case worker), Gretel (wife-dog-to-be)

Leopolt (staff officer), Adolph (balding), Tristan (domestic affairs official’s assistant)

Claire & Laurie (official merchant), Schwartz (horse), Lilian (actress), Kroll (man), Alma (Kroll’s woman)

Assets: 13,600 gold (additional refugee measures -200), (summons -200)

Sexual Partners: 436, children who have been born: 55 + 555 fish

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